/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 2: Bad configuration option: ?\240
ssh 접속하려 했을때
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 2: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 3: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 4: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 7: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 8: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 9: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 12: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 13: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 14: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 17: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 18: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 19: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 22: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 23: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: line 24: Bad configuration option: ?\240
/Users/hyeminchoi/.ssh/config: terminating, 15 bad configuration options
다음과 같은 오류가 났다.
mac의 경우, .ssh/config 파일이 망가진 것이다.
나는 .ssh/config 파일을 마음대로 수정했다가 오류가 났다.
다음의 파일을
Host *
IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain
UseKeychain yes
이렇게 수정해주면 오류가 안난다.
.ssh/config: "Bad configuration option: UseKeychain" on Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6
I am trying to set up my ssh config on the Mac (Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6) in such a way that it stores the passphrase for my ssh key in the keychain. Previously I could do that with ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/